Information regarding processing of personal data in “Custty” online store

We care about your privacy

Your trust is important to us. Our aim is that you feel safe when you share your personal data with us. Personal data is any information that can be used to identify an individual.

We take appropriate measures to ensure that your personal data always is safe with us and that the processing of your personal data is compliant with present data protection laws, our internal policies, guidelines and routines. We have also assigned a Data Protection Officer whose task is to monitor that we follow these laws, guidelines and routines.

It is important for us to be transparent with how we handle your personal data. In this information text, we therefore describe how and where we process personal data in the context of shopping in “Custty” online store.

It is your responsibility to provide only valid and genuine personal data and only such data as are appropriate and necessary for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives mentioned in this information text. If you do not agree to the processing of personal data as described in this information than your online order will be not completed and information provided in profile form will not be saved in any of “Custty” systems.

In accordance to “Custty” online store terms and conditions our responsibility is to deliver your placed orders in the online store. To make it possible, we need to process your personal data.

    • Creation and administration of your profile

We process your personal data in order to provide you with the opportunity to create your personal profile in “Custty” online store, so that you can use the information stored in the profile to place order in online store, to choose to receive information about “Custty” online store new offers, to view your previous order history, save baskets, save your favorite products and see your usually bought products.

We process your personal data to administer your registration in “Custty” online store. In order for us to register you and administer your profile, you must provide the personal details required for the conclusion and performance of the contract. Additionally to mandatory fields you will need to enter your birth date, in order for “Custty” to validate, that you don’t have existing account already in “Custty” system. Birth data will be used only to complete validation, it will not be stored. If you do not provide the necessary personal information, you will not be able to place order in “Custty” online store. If you are unable to complete any of the required fields, you must contact Customer Service Center. Your data will be used to assemble and deliver order to you, contact you, respond to your requests, ensure that your information is accurate and up-to-date. For creation and administration of your profile in “Custty” online store we process and store following data:

Categories of personal data Legal basis Retention period
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Contact information – e-mail and mobile phone number
  • Your choice of communication channels for marketing messages

Personal data collected from “My Custty” loyalty program

  • Name
  • Last name
  • Birth date (is used only to validate, that you don’t have an existing account in “Custty” systems)
  • Phone number
  • Purchase history
  • Loyalty program profiling information
To sign contract with you and execute it See section “For how long my personal data is stored?”

We use your name and surname, to identify and validate you at order delivery/collection, to find your order in case you contact Customer Service Center and report issues with your order, to process product returns, if you request it.

We use your phone number to contact you if any issues occur with your placed order and to contact you when delivering your order to your place, send PIN code for order collection. Your phone could also be used to search order or find your profile in our customer database.

We use your e-mail, to inform you about your order statuses (order confirmed, ready for delivery, delivered, cancelled, failed, waiting for pick-up after failed delivery, etc.), send PIN code for order collection, send new’s e-mails if you have selected it. Your e-mail could also be used to search order or find your profile in our customer database.

Alternatively, you can choose to use your “My Custty” loyalty program profile by logging in the “Custty” online store and providing additional information in order to proceed with orders. For creation and administration of your profile in “Custty” online store we will process and store only the same data from loyalty program as prescribed in table above. Personal data collected from loyalty program profile will only be used the same way as prescribed in above. Please remember that processing of your personal data within loyalty program is still subject to privacy policy of “My Custty” loyalty program.

By logging in with your “My Custty” profile will enable you to receive benefits, that program offers through profiling:

    • Personal offers (also on your birthday, name day, kids name day and kids’ birthday, pet’s club offers);
    • “My Custty” card offers;
    • Earn “My Custty” money;
    • Earn digital “stickers”.

By registering in “Custty” online store you confirm that the data is accurate and correct. If personal data is inaccurate, you must correct it immediately.

    • Order creation for “Guest” customer

In order to place order in “Custty” online store it is not mandatory to create profile. There is also possibility to check-out as guest user by providing personal data that is necessary to complete the order.

Personal data provided as “Guest user” will not be stored as profile in “Custty” customer database. But it will be saved and processed with the order and order related documents (for example, Invoice, Credit note):

Categories of personal data Legal basis Retention period
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Contact information – e-mail and mobile phone number
To sign contract with you and execute it See section “For how long my personal data are stored?”

We use your name and surname, to identify and validate you at order delivery/collection.

We use your phone number to contact you if any issues occur with your placed order and to contact you when delivering your order to your place, send PIN code for order collection. Your phone could also be used to search order or find your profile in our customer database.

We use your e-mail, to inform you about your order statuses (order confirmed, ready for delivery, delivered, cancelled, failed, waiting for pick-up after failed delivery, etc.), send PIN code for order collection. Your e-mail could also be used to search order or find your profile in our customer database.

By placing order as guest user in “Custty” online store you confirm that the data is accurate and correct. If personal data is inaccurate, you must correct it immediately.

    • To assemble and deliver order

“Custty” online store must assemble the order with items that you have ordered, therefore order contents are processed both by systems and by “Custty” employees.

If you choose Home Delivery:

If you choose during placing order Home Delivery as your preferred delivery method, you must enter address to which order should be delivered.

If you are registered user and have signed-in, then this address will be saved under your profile. If you wish to delete or add new address to your profile, you can do it by entering your profile section in “Custty” online store or by contacting “Custty” Customer Service Center and request it to be removed. You can also select if you would like this address to be “Custty” and show-up always as your first choice.

If you are “Guest” user, then your address will not be saved in “Custty” customer database, but will be saved with your placed order and used in the same way as in case of registered user.

If you choose during placing order collect as your preferred delivery method, you must select store in which you would like to collect the order. This information will be stored only with the order.

You can also select if you would like this store to be your “Favorite” and it will show-up always as your first choice.

To assemble order and deliver it to you following personal data will be processed:

Categories of personal data Legal basis Retention period
To assemble order:

Order ID

Order delivery time and date

Product list and quantities

To deliver order to Home address:

First Name and Last Name

Phone number

Order delivery time and date

Order ID

Address details – Street, Street number, House number, Apartment number, Floor number, District City, Zip, address name, GPS coordinates – Longitude, Latitude

Comments to address

Address settings (default or not)

Product list and quantities

To deliver order at collect station:

Selected store name and address

Store settings (favorite or not)

First Name and Last Name

Phone number

Order delivery time and date

Order ID

Product list and quantities

PIN code

To execute contract See section “For how long my personal data are stored?”

Order details are used to enable “Custty” employees to pack your order.

Listed data to deliver order to Home address are used to execute contract and deliver your order by “Custty” couriers to address you have selected.

All the data mentioned above is also used to inform you about the order statuses via your e-mail and generate Invoice and Credit Note (Order confirmed, ready for delivery, delivered, canceled, failed, ready for pick-up, refund processed).

  • To process payment of the order

To create order in “Custty” online store customer must complete payment. There are three payment options available – payment with Stripe, Paysera and Paypal. Without completing payment customer will not be able to place an order in “Custty” online store.

During payment processing following customer data will be processed and stored with order information:

Categories of personal data Legal basis Retention period
  • Payment amount
  • First name, last name
  • Payment description
  • Payment reference number (for returns only)
  • Transaction reference ID
  • Payer IBAN
To execute contract See section “For how long my personal data are stored?”
  • Direct marketing

We process your personal data, to send you marketing information/new’s. For example, to send you update about newest items in assortment, sales or special discounts. Please take into account that marketing information will be sent to you only, if you sign-up for it during registration or select to receive them in your profile. To send marketing messages we use e-mail, phone number, and social media.

Categories of personal data Legal basis Retention period
  • First Name
  • Company name (if applicable)
  • Contact information – e-mail and mobile phone number
  • Social media
Your consent See section “For how long my personal data are stored?”
  • Management of claims and fraud prevention

We may process your personal data to defend, establish and exercise legal claims, including to prevent fraud or criminal activity, misuses of our products or services.

Categories of personal data Legal basis Retention period
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Contact information – e-mail and mobile phone number
  • Address details – Street, Street number, House number, Apartment number, Floor number, District City, Zip, address name
  • Comments to address
  • Order Id
  • Company Name
  • Registration number
  • VAT registration number (optional)
  • Legal address (country, city, district, postal code that is optional)
  • Order delivery date and time
  • Product list and quantities prices and promotions
  • Car plate No. (registered user only)
  • Your choice of communication channels
  • Selected C&C store
  • PIN code
  • Invoice information
  • Credit-note information
  • Payment amount
  • Payment description
  • Payment reference number (for returns only)
  • Transaction reference ID
  • Payer IBAN
  • Payment card PAN number
  • Payment card schema
  • Payment card validity data
  • Payment card token
  • Other information in relation to legal claim

Our legitimate interest to prevent fraud or criminal activity, misuses of our products and services and exercise legal claims

Till investigation, settlement and implementation of legal claim.

We collect the personal data you provide to us regarding yourself when you are creating profile at “Custty” online store and add additional details for online shopping, place order in “Custty” online store and contact us via Customer Service Center or Help page in “Custty” online store.

  • Service providers

To fulfil our obligation towards you we share your personal data with companies that provides services to us. For example:

Data center services;
System development and maintenance services;
Client data analysis services;
Direct marketing message sending services;
“Custty” loyalty program marketing related activity services (only for existing “Custty” loyalty program participants)
These companies can only process your personal data according to our instructions and not use them for other purposes. They are also required by law and our cooperation agreement to protect your personal data.

  • Law enforcement authorities, state and local government institutions

To fulfill our legal obligation, we may transfer your personal data to law enforcement authorities, state and local government institutions upon their request. We may also transfer your personal data to law enforcement authorities, state and local government institutions in order to meet our legitimate interest in establishing, claiming and defending legal claims.

  • Where do we process your personal data?

We always aim to process your personal data within EU/EEA.

Your personal data is not transferred or processed in a country outside EU/EEA.

  • Customer profile:

Until user account is deleted. If customer is inactive (no log-ins detected) for 1 year then profile is deleted.

If you have “Custty” online store and “My Custty” loyalty program account then “My Custty” loyalty program data storage length is applied.

  • Order data:

5 years from day of order creation

  • Return data:

5 years from return creation

  • Financial document (Invoice, credit note):

10 years from document generation

  • Unregistered user personal data in orders (First name, Last name, Delivery address, Phone number):

5 years

  • Access to personal data
  • Rectification of personal data
  • Withdrawal of consent
  • Objection against processing for direct marketing purposes
  • Objection against processing based on a legitimate interest
  • Erasure
  • Restriction of processing
  • Data portability

If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, please feel free to contact us.

If you are not satisfied with the response you received, you are entitled to file a complaint with the Data Inspectorate

Contact details of company in charge of handling your personal data

MB Proneta, reg. No. 303236165,

Legal address: Skaisčiūnų g. 69, Skaisčiūnų k., Marijampolės sav., Lithuania

Phone No: +37060132132

Email: [email protected]

Contact details of the Data Protection Officer

Email: [email protected]

You also can contact our Data Protection Officer by sending a letter to us at the above-mentioned address and addressing it to the Data Protection Officer.